
I almost choked to death at work and it was my boss’s fault

So my boss was getting ready to plan a trip out of town to Chicago. Let’s call him “Dennis.” Dennis called a meeting because our team lead, let’s call her “Sierra,” just got headhunted and now we need to talk about restructuring during when we usually take lunch. So I’m all confused cause it’s lunch and Dennis called a meeting because he has a cab in 20 min. Long story short, I bring my lunch into the meeting and try to hide it and not cause a scene but everyone sees me eating it, so I try and suck it down really fast. But I inhale too fast and now I’m choking on my lunch, it’s a hot dog btw, and my teammates pin me up against the wall and Dennis pulls the hotdog out of my mouth. And I almost tripped over someone’s bag. Dennis shouldn’t have scheduled the…

So my boss was getting ready to plan a trip out of town to Chicago. Let’s call him “Dennis.” Dennis called a meeting because our team lead, let’s call her “Sierra,” just got headhunted and now we need to talk about restructuring during when we usually take lunch. So I’m all confused cause it’s lunch and Dennis called a meeting because he has a cab in 20 min.

Long story short, I bring my lunch into the meeting and try to hide it and not cause a scene but everyone sees me eating it, so I try and suck it down really fast. But I inhale too fast and now I’m choking on my lunch, it’s a hot dog btw, and my teammates pin me up against the wall and Dennis pulls the hotdog out of my mouth. And I almost tripped over someone’s bag. Dennis shouldn’t have scheduled the meeting during lunch, right?

Should I stay at this company?

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