
I am a general manager of a small business, and I give raises without the owners permission, even though he wants final say. Fuck capitalism.

Title. The owner has 4 establishments that he owns, bringing in around 150-200k net profit to him each year. His employees all make between $10/hr and $11/hr. He had employees who had worked for him for 2 years without a raise. So I took it upon myself to increase his labor bill by 15% and give out five raises without his permission, knowing that he would never okay any of them. He can handle it. Fuck toxic owners who make their money off the backs of indentured servitude. He will probably fire me once he finds out, and I could not give any less of a fuck. I hope he does, I’ll whistleblow all of his toxic practices to everyone on the industry.

Title. The owner has 4 establishments that he owns, bringing in around 150-200k net profit to him each year.

His employees all make between $10/hr and $11/hr. He had employees who had worked for him for 2 years without a raise.

So I took it upon myself to increase his labor bill by 15% and give out five raises without his permission, knowing that he would never okay any of them. He can handle it.

Fuck toxic owners who make their money off the backs of indentured servitude.

He will probably fire me once he finds out, and I could not give any less of a fuck. I hope he does, I’ll whistleblow all of his toxic practices to everyone on the industry.

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