
I am a middle class American. Like other Americans I see a very clear imbalance. This imbalance is only growing. History shows that this imbalance is greater than many times in America’s recent past. Is America’s middle class disappearing? This is an essay about this topic.

The Looting of America Many people get rightly upset when they see someone destroy property. When I see spray painted graffiti I get angry at the permanence of the marks left behind. When protests occur and property is looted and destroyed people feel again, rightly upset. Why is there not similar outrage when people are not given fair compensation for their labor? Why not when people are not given time off for sickness? Why is there no outrage when people are asked to donate time off for sick employees out of their own sick time?  Who should take care of the sick employee? Should anyone be obligated to do so? Many would answer that other employees SHOULD donate their time. it is the “Christian” thing to do. I find this answer appalling. We live in an unfair world. It doesn't take long for a person to discover this. We are…

The Looting of America

Many people get rightly upset when they see someone destroy property.

When I see spray painted graffiti I get angry at the permanence of the marks left behind.

When protests occur and property is looted and destroyed people feel again, rightly upset.

Why is there not similar outrage when people are not given fair compensation for their labor?

Why not when people are not given time off for sickness?

Why is there no outrage when people are asked to donate time off for sick employees out of their own sick time? 

Who should take care of the sick employee?

Should anyone be obligated to do so?

Many would answer that other employees SHOULD donate their time. it is the “Christian” thing to do.

I find this answer appalling.

We live in an unfair world.

It doesn't take long for a person to discover this.

We are being trained to believe that those who have little should give to those who have little.

Aren't we just helping the upper class, by keeping each other in the place THEY want us to be?

Some would argue that we all have to play by the same rules.

This would seem wise in an ideal world.

We are NOT in an ideal world, nor will we ever be.

We live in a world where many are convinced that every power but one can gain too much power over us and take our liberty.

Religion can take our liberty, government can take our liberty, immigrants can take our liberty, other people can take our liberty.

The one power that many think can never lead to loss of liberty is free enterprise.

My own experience of life has often been frustrating.

What most commonly causes this frustration?

When I follow the “rules” I have to fight to make sure businesses follow the rules.

I have a job, I work hard, I contribute to society.

My employer helps with my health benefits.

I have to fight tooth and nail to get my health benefits to be “beneficial” to ME!

I buy a car, I pay EVERY payment on time, I have insurance, I bought an extended warranty, I have to fight tooth and nail to get my insurance and warranty to fulfill promises made in contracts.

I have to ask then, which has a problem with following rules, the corporations or the individual?

We have become convinced, perhaps even brainwashed into thinking that “selfishness is giving.”

If a corporation wants to loot, steal, and financially rape, individuals, what better system could possibly exist to ensure that these corporate looters take EVERYTHING from individuals.

The saddest part of this is that they have convinced us that we deserve this treatment.

Perhaps this Neo-liberal economic system could work if the selfishness of its followers did not lead to hypocrisy.

Jesus warned of hypocrisy. Many who appear clean on the outside are inwardly full of all manner of filth.

Again I ask, who breaks the established rules most often?

Is it the encouragement of selfishness that causes corporate rule breaking?

I think I understand now why so many call this form of Neo-liberal Economics, naive idealism.

It is as dangerous as the naive idealism found in Communism.

Here are some very serious and important questions to consider.

If we regulate huge corporations are we disrespecting human autonomy?

Are corporations humans?

Corporations can never abuse individual liberty?

Corporations can never corrupt society?

Corporations need no checks and balances?

How do corporations become powerful forces?

Perhaps it is because they are organized within as a collective of minds that, working together,  ensure the corporation benefits

Are corporations individuals?

Every selfish communalistic choice made in a corporation is made to ensure the benefit of the commune.

I am reminded of George Orwell's 1984.

The three slogans of “Big Brother” were;

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

I would add another to this list of dystopian slogans.

Selfishness is Giving

Why are more people not outraged by the extreme imbalance that now exists between classes?

Maybe more people are outraged by this than we realize but their rage has been intentionally misdirected.

The economic trend to make the poor help the poor is horrifying to me.

If the rich believe selfishness is beneficial, and they use money to affect law, THEY will become the changers of the rules.

In fact they HAVE changed the rules for their benefit.

They HAVE robbed those who make them money.

They will succeed at convincing the world that “selfishness is giving.”

A very small morsel will occasionally “trickle” down to poor, used, lesser, beings.

It is of course because of their own laziness, that they deserve to be where they are.

You see, only the self-made man is of any value in this world.

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