
I am a “no call no show” apparently while actively speaking to my manager

Not sure if this is the right place, but I needed to vent and maybe find out if I'm just crazy or if my job is disgustingly micromanaged and unnecessarily punitive. We have a call out process at work that was just newly implemented, only slightly changed… To be more time consuming and complicated for no reason. My manager is aware I am having a lot of system issues lately (I work from home) which she blames on my internet (which works perfectly fine) and refuses to investigate the application that constantly freezes and loads slowly. Our call out procedure is to alert my manager, alert IT, and call the attendance line to press random numbers indicating I will be late for a system issue. This process is required if even 1 minute late and literally just adds several minutes so instead of being 1 minute late you are now…

Not sure if this is the right place, but I needed to vent and maybe find out if I'm just crazy or if my job is disgustingly micromanaged and unnecessarily punitive. We have a call out process at work that was just newly implemented, only slightly changed… To be more time consuming and complicated for no reason. My manager is aware I am having a lot of system issues lately (I work from home) which she blames on my internet (which works perfectly fine) and refuses to investigate the application that constantly freezes and loads slowly. Our call out procedure is to alert my manager, alert IT, and call the attendance line to press random numbers indicating I will be late for a system issue. This process is required if even 1 minute late and literally just adds several minutes so instead of being 1 minute late you are now like 6 minutes + late. My manager just advised me today that I am a no call no show for yesterday morning. I was 5 minutes late due to my systems loading slowly. I alerted IT to this issue and alerted my manager. IT then started troubleshooting and it took almost 30 minutes. So I actually forgot to call the attendance line. This “yes you told us but NOT THE RIGHT WAY” bs has happened a few times now. So yes… I am facing possible termination because I “no call no showed” to my job apparently even though I was actively online and trouble shooting with IT the entire time I was not in “available” status to take calls and even though I literally told my manager.

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