
I am a teacher and I think a big reason why so many students hate school is that we are forced to take our curriculum and stretch it out over 180 days.

I'm pretty sure most teachers would agree that you could realistically cover your course content in 2 to 3 months. I know, for me, as a math teacher I really don't have THAT much information to cover. My textbook is 10 chapters long. But I am forced to stretch out that information from September to June and it just makes kids so bored, disinterested, and resentful of math. I think this goes for all subjects in school honestly. But again, school is nothing more than daycare for the sons and daughters of capitalist wage slaves. It really is not about education at all and I think many teachers would argue it causes so much needless suffering to our children. I'm posting about this in the antiwork sub and not in teachers because it really is a microcosm of the problem with society as a whole. 8 AM to 3:30 PM,…

I'm pretty sure most teachers would agree that you could realistically cover your course content in 2 to 3 months. I know, for me, as a math teacher I really don't have THAT much information to cover. My textbook is 10 chapters long.

But I am forced to stretch out that information from September to June and it just makes kids so bored, disinterested, and resentful of math. I think this goes for all subjects in school honestly. But again, school is nothing more than daycare for the sons and daughters of capitalist wage slaves. It really is not about education at all and I think many teachers would argue it causes so much needless suffering to our children.

I'm posting about this in the antiwork sub and not in teachers because it really is a microcosm of the problem with society as a whole. 8 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday – Friday, basically the same as work hours…we are just bombarding kids with so much information. There's so much talk about schools indoctrinating our children to teacher's beliefs…but the only indoctrination is capitalist indoctrination. You will be here, every day, sit down, do your work, and do it again the next day. No wonder so many kids think education is painful. We treat it like work…and that's wrong.

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