
I am allergic to rich people. Despite the obvious reasons, i can’t explain why i despise them so much.

I wouldn't consider myself a hateful person. I am sensitive to right and wrong but i don't necessarily hate people who wrong me, i generally don't hold grudges or wish ill upon people and jealousy is not an emotion i often feel. I have no problem with people who are smarter than me or have traits/talents that i genuinely respect. But for some reason I absolutely fucking despise wealthy people, especially in America where I live. I actually want them to die. Like, i feel intense sadism when i sense that a person is rich. I'm allergic to the way rich people dress. not your “classical music evil rich woman” stereotype in films, i mean the actual ultra-wealthy. I am currently being employed by a very wealthy familly, they're multi-millionaires, and although so far they've been reasonably nice and i'm okay with them as people, whenever i see people who…

I wouldn't consider myself a hateful person. I am sensitive to right and wrong but i don't necessarily hate people who wrong me, i generally don't hold grudges or wish ill upon people and jealousy is not an emotion i often feel. I have no problem with people who are smarter than me or have traits/talents that i genuinely respect.

But for some reason I absolutely fucking despise wealthy people, especially in America where I live. I actually want them to die. Like, i feel intense sadism when i sense that a person is rich. I'm allergic to the way rich people dress. not your “classical music evil rich woman” stereotype in films, i mean the actual ultra-wealthy.

I am currently being employed by a very wealthy familly, they're multi-millionaires, and although so far they've been reasonably nice and i'm okay with them as people, whenever i see people who remind me of the woman i work for i feel something akin to sadism. maybe it's repressed hatred.

I despise their false air of superiority. the unfathomable opportunities they've had that none of us can even imagine. The fact that they hoard their wealth and let others live in poverty and then have the audacity to say things like “nobody wants to work anymore” or insist upon the value of hard work. whose hard work? others, of course. the people they pay $15 an hour.

i'm 18f. What it must be like to live without fear of going hungry or becoming homeless if you take certain turns. I want to become a physicist, a computer scientist, a writer, i want to play music, none of that feels possible when i know i'll have to work every day for the rest of my life for outcomes that i disagree with or don't care about. At least until my life is cut short by societal collapse via global warming; a problem that the ultra wealthy and corrupt governments have caused.

Should i stop working for this employer? It might potentially give me opportunities, but is being faced with the existence of this person every day too depressing? How do i put up boundaries with someone who is so inherently divorced from reality and who i know subconsciously assumes superiority over me, despite how nice she appears?

How do i work with someone who i know has inadvertently/carelessly caused so much suffering? How do i tolerate her laughter and niceness, passionately talking about her trip to Italy as i'm paid to sit and listen

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