
I am being blatantly wage thefted. Took some action, but never thought it would happen to me.

I work in healthcare as a travel worker. Took an assignment in California with an Ohio based agency and I am currently a Minnesota resident, but from California and will move back. So I worked at this hospital where it ended kind of badly. I called out my last week due to mental health issues because it was a toxic environment and I couldnt stand it. Of course, they lied and said I never called and they “cancelled” me blah blah. I easily disproved that to my agency. Anyway, they never paid me for my final week that I did actually work. I talked to my agencies payroll person and they said the hospital isnt even responding to them. So I filed a wage theft claim with the CA board of labor due to the fact the hospital is the one withholding wages and I sent an email to a…

I work in healthcare as a travel worker. Took an assignment in California with an Ohio based agency and I am currently a Minnesota resident, but from California and will move back. So I worked at this hospital where it ended kind of badly. I called out my last week due to mental health issues because it was a toxic environment and I couldnt stand it. Of course, they lied and said I never called and they “cancelled” me blah blah. I easily disproved that to my agency.

Anyway, they never paid me for my final week that I did actually work. I talked to my agencies payroll person and they said the hospital isnt even responding to them. So I filed a wage theft claim with the CA board of labor due to the fact the hospital is the one withholding wages and I sent an email to a lawyer office specializing in wage theft and will hopefully hear back tomorrow. I know CA has a good labor system and I have documentation. And theres no way to say I never worked. Its not feasible to lie due to the nature of my work. Its been almost a month since I emailed my time sheets like I usually do. Im hoping that because it happened in CA and the hospital is withholding my wages, then the CA board will be able to take action. Ohios labor board is abysmal. Welp, thats my story of fuckiness thats for listening. I guess I am looking for some assurance that I will be able to get what I am owed plus the penalties per CA law.

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