
I am being micromanaged via security camera

I am just about at my wit's end with overbearing managers. To keep it vague, I was asked to do a project by the boss via text. So I go with a co worker to assess the situation and make a game plan. We were carrying a certain “tool” to inspect the situation and decide which “tool” would be the best to use, and whether we needed anything else. Within minutes of standing there, I get a text with a screenshot of my coworkers and I standing and discussing the situation. Apparently boss didn't like the “tool” we were holding and suggested something different, as well as wanting to know why we were doing the job before the area cleared of people (again, we weren't, we were just making a game plan). He then suggested a different “tool” to use that, if he were actually here, he would realize isn't…

I am just about at my wit's end with overbearing managers. To keep it vague, I was asked to do a project by the boss via text. So I go with a co worker to assess the situation and make a game plan. We were carrying a certain “tool” to inspect the situation and decide which “tool” would be the best to use, and whether we needed anything else. Within minutes of standing there, I get a text with a screenshot of my coworkers and I standing and discussing the situation.

Apparently boss didn't like the “tool” we were holding and suggested something different, as well as wanting to know why we were doing the job before the area cleared of people (again, we weren't, we were just making a game plan). He then suggested a different “tool” to use that, if he were actually here, he would realize isn't the best choice for the job. There's more than one way to get this task done, but he doesn't seem to want to let us choose.

This is a very rudimentary task. If he doesn't trust me to do something like this, why did he even hire me? I'm tired of being micromanaged. I'm tired of being treated like an idiot. I'm tired of bad managers with no self awareness. I'm tired of the ego.

Employers have gotten way too cocky. Way too arrogant. I'm sick of it.

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