
I am being victimised at work, and HR is part of it

For a bit of a back story, I am a buyer/storeman at my current job, I'm rather young, but still experienced in my position. Recently a plant foreman has been raising issues to my line manager and HR in regards to my work performance. All points have been clarified and dismissed as hearsay or unapplicable to the situation. He complained, and by definition lost the case, my store hours was adjusted i.e. made less, so I can focus more on the buying aspect of my job, as this is more important for the financial aspect of my job. He was sour, but I thought it had stopped. Recently I spoke to him over hand radio, asking how many stickers (for barcode purpose) was needed on a certain item, he stated about 900 would suffice. I printed stickers and let his supervisor know that the stickers can be collected. About a…

For a bit of a back story, I am a buyer/storeman at my current job, I'm rather young, but still experienced in my position.

Recently a plant foreman has been raising issues to my line manager and HR in regards to my work performance. All points have been clarified and dismissed as hearsay or unapplicable to the situation.

He complained, and by definition lost the case, my store hours was adjusted i.e. made less, so I can focus more on the buying aspect of my job, as this is more important for the financial aspect of my job.

He was sour, but I thought it had stopped.

Recently I spoke to him over hand radio, asking how many stickers (for barcode purpose) was needed on a certain item, he stated about 900 would suffice. I printed stickers and let his supervisor know that the stickers can be collected.

About a half an hour after the fact he exclaimed over radio that his team is still waiting on stickers.

When I explained my side over radio his attitude changed, and was more pasive.

About an hour after the fact he sent me a mail with HR and my and his line manager, with another false accusation that my work is sub par.

I replied that the issue raised was sorted out long before his .ail, and we are waiting for a collection company to collect the empty LP gas bottles (as he stated the empty bottles are a health and safety risk).

I also stated that him insisting I do exaclty as he says was disrespectful, as I am directly below my Financial manager, and I have no obligation to act on his expectations of my job.

I also raised the issue that when he speaks to me, he does so in a manner that feels he thinks of me as lower than himself i.e. calling me an asshole infront of coworkers, reffering to me as “[insert name] store” rather than just [insert name], taking it apon himself to report on my work even though he has no prior financial experience ect.

He replied to this mail, as well as HR, on exactly the same time 9:11am. His previous mails were also misspelled to such an extent that it would appear HR helped him write the letter, but that could be me speculating. There has also been talks that HR and this exact foreman were dating until management put a stop to it.

His reply was in a manner of him stating he is in a higher position than I am, thus he can report on my job performance as it affects him and his team.

He basically told me if I want to complain about the fact he called me an asshole (infront of my peers) I must put in a grievance.

I just want advice, even if I win at the hearing, I still lose, as I will be seen as a problem employee that might be too soft.

I'm from South Africa by the way.

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