
I am completely disposable at my job

About a month ago I got offered an interview for a job by one of my referees. I never applied for it but knew I was a shoe in because they weren’t advertising the position and they needed a new employee asap after one had resigned and another was on extended leave. I knew the position was only “temporary”, ie 3 months. But they made it explicit they expected me to work full time for 5 days a week – at least for the first month. After several weeks of working there they kept dropping hints they wanted to keep me on longer. “It’s going to be great when we have the three of you back in the office” and when my manager told me to ““not plan any holidays” – so I took that as a sign that they wanted to extend my contract. But when I asked whether…

About a month ago I got offered an interview for a job by one of my referees. I never applied for it but knew I was a shoe in because they weren’t advertising the position and they needed a new employee asap after one had resigned and another was on extended leave.

I knew the position was only “temporary”, ie 3 months. But they made it explicit they expected me to work full time for 5 days a week – at least for the first month.

After several weeks of working there they kept dropping hints they wanted to keep me on longer. “It’s going to be great when we have the three of you back in the office” and when my manager told me to ““not plan any holidays” – so I took that as a sign that they wanted to extend my contract. But when I asked whether they wanted to keep me on beyond the 3 months in an email she wrote “ Your contract was for 3 months and we will be reviewing our needs over the next few week [sic]”.

I then asked my other manager in person and she said yes the position is only for 3 months but they were flexible and it was full time hours.

Anyway haha when the august roster was being prepared the first manager wrote an email to me: “The upcoming August roster will include some changes that are guided by the current work flow and team needs”. So haha they cut my hours to only 3 days a week with no warning. I’ve taken up a second job just to fill the gaps by my pay cut – but now I’m working 6 days a week.

It made me realise they do not value me in any way. I am a casual employee so they do not have to give me any hours. But since they showed how little regard they have for me I thought I might as well write this out on company time while getting paid. Fuck them.

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