
I am done working for this company.

Long time lurker. I started here about a year ago at the bottom. November is my 1 year and ive already climbed the ladder to operator on two machines. I signed a lets call it a contract for a 3month operator training on the second machine. HR never came to me at 3months, I had to go to them after two weeks over that deadline. I was told “oh we get a ping on our computer when its time, ill look into it and get back to you tomorrow”. I waited two days and went back to HR to see what was going on because again they dont come to me. Get told the process is now happening… fast forward TWO MONTHS and two weeks. I get told my hours are like 168 behind. They agree that a big part of that is because of no material handler and set…

Long time lurker.

I started here about a year ago at the bottom. November is my 1 year and ive already climbed the ladder to operator on two machines. I signed a lets call it a contract for a 3month operator training on the second machine. HR never came to me at 3months, I had to go to them after two weeks over that deadline. I was told “oh we get a ping on our computer when its time, ill look into it and get back to you tomorrow”. I waited two days and went back to HR to see what was going on because again they dont come to me. Get told the process is now happening… fast forward TWO MONTHS and two weeks.

I get told my hours are like 168 behind. They agree that a big part of that is because of no material handler and set a two week period to show my minutes after they set up a material roll for shipping. My two weeks was supposed to be Thursday but instead because of their stupidity it happens tuesday the following week. Turns out in my 3 month training period “that I recieved no training!” I was 7 hours behind for the entire 3 months. Then the following 2 1/2 months I was behind 70 hours due to no material handler, no forklift training, NCR's and giving me temp workers for my assistants when the other machines assistant wouldnt show. One of those temps was smoking crack at work. Took forever to get him fired.

So for my 2 1/2 weeks of my second review I was ahead other than 3 days because of NCR's, waiting on my plant manager to come down and verify. Well they admited to the material problem again, that my work ethic hasent changed and NCRs being a cause for down time among other issues involving machine cleaning ect…

No back pay. Just here is your 50 cents more, 80$ more a month. HR lead is the daughter off the boss. I'm done with them. I'm worth more way more.

Had a job interview yesterday that went well. I take a small pay cut at the start but I'm starting 1.75$ more than I did at this place, but I have heard many great things from many people. My current job is going to get no notice from me. They didnt follow the contract HR and myself signed, no back pay so FUCK EM.

This is in Southern Ontario.

Also my current assistant was thrown under the bus and heavily misstreated by managment. They are amazing and as hard if not harder of a worker then I and I appriate them so much. I actualy hate leaving them behind there. I hope we remain friends.

End of rant. Thanks for reading I really needed to vent.

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