
I am floored

I have been in some bad work situations, but this recent one with a national nonprofit takes the cake. After my manager refused to FILL OUT MY (first in a year and a half bc of when I was hired) ANNUAL REVIEW, which is directly tied to any potential promotions and raises, I was denied any promotion and any substantive raise despite running the regional office for my boss to great success since I was hired. HR and his boss allowed him to do this. I found another job with a competitor who offered me MORE MONEY than I asked my then-current job for and potentially less responsibility. Then-current job doesn't even counter (outside of telling me they would move my next review up 6 months – but after my manager, the one who didnt even fill out my review, returns from paternity leave – and he would review me…

I have been in some bad work situations, but this recent one with a national nonprofit takes the cake.

After my manager refused to FILL OUT MY (first in a year and a half bc of when I was hired) ANNUAL REVIEW, which is directly tied to any potential promotions and raises, I was denied any promotion and any substantive raise despite running the regional office for my boss to great success since I was hired. HR and his boss allowed him to do this.

I found another job with a competitor who offered me MORE MONEY than I asked my then-current job for and potentially less responsibility. Then-current job doesn't even counter (outside of telling me they would move my next review up 6 months – but after my manager, the one who didnt even fill out my review, returns from paternity leave – and he would review me again then and “better set me up for success”. It wasn't even presented as a guarantee, but a potential lol).

I found out today that they just listed my job at the rate/level I have asked for and have been denied. BANANAS. Best o' luck to them because they already burned their rep in my state – which is why I was trying to get paid more because if my rep was on the line and they were actively trashing it, I wanted to get paid decently.

Edit: Oh, and the irony is the group represents civil rights.

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