
I am leaving but still worried!! Help please

I am finally doing it and leaving a really toxic work environment. In the past the owners have made it extremely difficult to collect your final check. They will drag it out, tell you its ready, then the employee would get there and they tell them its not ready yet. They say they have to sign something saying it is there final check or whatever. It is just petty, narcissism on their behalf. So here is the kicker…. I have keys and a company credit card. I don't plan on turning anything in until I have my final check in hand. One because I don't trust them to try to do something stuipid with me and waste my time. and second bc it will drive them insane to know that I have keys to the building. They may even change locks. Before all this goes down. As soon as I…

I am finally doing it and leaving a really toxic work environment. In the past the owners have made it extremely difficult to collect your final check. They will drag it out, tell you its ready, then the employee would get there and they tell them its not ready yet. They say they have to sign something saying it is there final check or whatever. It is just petty, narcissism on their behalf. So here is the kicker…. I have keys and a company credit card. I don't plan on turning anything in until I have my final check in hand. One because I don't trust them to try to do something stuipid with me and waste my time. and second bc it will drive them insane to know that I have keys to the building. They may even change locks.

Before all this goes down. As soon as I turn in my resignation they will want keys and the card. Can I just tell them I will turn them in when I receive my final? Yes these are people that will take it that far. I just want to know how much I can push back if they double down.

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