
I am leaving my job but not getting proper compensation

I currently work at a funeral home, and because of where I am located, we do not have any legislation regarding the funeral industry. The place I work is a privately run business (first mistake), and the boss treats paying employees like it is a reward for us, rather than it being literally what you owe a worker for their work. When I started, I was told we get 3 weeks of vacation throughout the year, I have worked there for almost a year and decided I could no longer handle the stress and abuse I receive from the boss. Now, the problem is that I didn't take a single vacation day, meaning I should be [aid out for the vacation days that I did not take. Instead, I am being told that I “didn't use them, ” which is my fault. How can I have a sensible conversation surrounding…

I currently work at a funeral home, and because of where I am located, we do not have any legislation regarding the funeral industry. The place I work is a privately run business (first mistake), and the boss treats paying employees like it is a reward for us, rather than it being literally what you owe a worker for their work. When I started, I was told we get 3 weeks of vacation throughout the year, I have worked there for almost a year and decided I could no longer handle the stress and abuse I receive from the boss. Now, the problem is that I didn't take a single vacation day, meaning I should be [aid out for the vacation days that I did not take. Instead, I am being told that I “didn't use them, ” which is my fault. How can I have a sensible conversation surrounding what I am owed without the boss seeing it as me trying to shake her down?

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