
I am making 3 companies compete with each other’s job offers.

I just want to get this off of my chest because I've never been in this situation before. I just quit a w2 job that I have had for almost 5 years. My last day is this Friday. I have accepted a contract position right now to start the 3rd week of July (Company A). I have been fielding offers all year from multiple companies. I know that for regulatory work, June/July is busy season because a lot of deadlines fall in July. Well I got an offer for a tech work company (Company B) yesterday. It is a 15% raise over my current contract. I took this to my current company (A) and explained that I may need to withdraw my acceptance from the existing position. They countered with a new contact which is 20% more than my original contract. Well today a third company (Company C) called to…

I just want to get this off of my chest because I've never been in this situation before.

I just quit a w2 job that I have had for almost 5 years. My last day is this Friday. I have accepted a contract position right now to start the 3rd week of July (Company A).

I have been fielding offers all year from multiple companies. I know that for regulatory work, June/July is busy season because a lot of deadlines fall in July.

Well I got an offer for a tech work company (Company B) yesterday. It is a 15% raise over my current contract. I took this to my current company (A) and explained that I may need to withdraw my acceptance from the existing position. They countered with a new contact which is 20% more than my original contract.

Well today a third company (Company C) called to offer me a position. I explained that I am currently in late stage contract discussions with a company, but I'm interested if they can match the existing offer. I sent company B and C the latest job offer from A today asking if they can match.

I wonder how much I can up the ante before someone folds. I dont have a monetary value for my self worth, but its interesting watching faceless corporations bid over me. We are getting into mid-high 6 figures now and I quit my w2 position for offering me a low 6-figure promotion.

Make them compete!

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