
I am sick and tired of seeing these urgently hiring signs

I was laid off over a month ago and have been busting my ass applying to jobs. To streamline the process, I’ve mostly been applying to ones that say they are urgently hiring. I’m not overqualified for these jobs either and it is like pulling teeth to get these people to set up an interview. They say they’re very interested in me and then ghost me. I should not be doing all the work for these companies who are “desperate to hire people.” I wish there was a law or something that fined people for straight lying about needing to hire people because it’s a waste of time. I know this isn’t a hot take or anything, but I am just at my wits end with these companies. A company said they would hire me and and it’s been weeks of me following up with them and them saying that…

I was laid off over a month ago and have been busting my ass applying to jobs. To streamline the process, I’ve mostly been applying to ones that say they are urgently hiring. I’m not overqualified for these jobs either and it is like pulling teeth to get these people to set up an interview. They say they’re very interested in me and then ghost me. I should not be doing all the work for these companies who are “desperate to hire people.” I wish there was a law or something that fined people for straight lying about needing to hire people because it’s a waste of time. I know this isn’t a hot take or anything, but I am just at my wits end with these companies. A company said they would hire me and and it’s been weeks of me following up with them and them saying that they need to contact HR first. I’m just so frustrated.

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