
I am SO DONE dealing with creeps

So I worked at chipotle and I recently quit after barely working. One of the managers there who is in her 40s would continuously talk about the teenage boys very weirdly. She would say that they reminded her of her exes and she has a crush on one of them specifically and obsessed over him (he’s almost 16). She I guess played a game with a young worker “guessing who the virgins are”. So when I quit I told the general manager just that. I didn’t make any conclusions I just told him that these things happened and that it made me uncomfortable because as a girl when that would happen to me with older guys it would make me very uncomfortable and it’s not fair to those high school boys. It’s a double standard. He told the assistant manager (that I was talking about)everything and gave her my name.…

So I worked at chipotle and I recently quit after barely working. One of the managers there who is in her 40s would continuously talk about the teenage boys very weirdly. She would say that they reminded her of her exes and she has a crush on one of them specifically and obsessed over him (he’s almost 16). She I guess played a game with a young worker “guessing who the virgins are”. So when I quit I told the general manager just that. I didn’t make any conclusions I just told him that these things happened and that it made me uncomfortable because as a girl when that would happen to me with older guys it would make me very uncomfortable and it’s not fair to those high school boys. It’s a double standard. He told the assistant manager (that I was talking about)everything and gave her my name. She then proceeds to pull my girlfriend out of work and twists everything that I said and told her that I am a bad person who tried to get her fired, and called her a pedo. I never called her a pedo she’s literally calling herself a pedo. She then proceeded to say that the age of consent in the state is 16 so that she could fuck half of those guys if she wanted to. A MANAGER. she also told my girlfriend to let me know that she knows my manager at my actual job and that i am going to “be sorry” for what I did, threatening me to get fired.

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