
I am so goddamn broke…

I got paid today and spent it all yesterday. I only bought what I need to stay clean, alive, and on rent. I graduated with a business degree and a job in computer science. I make a good entry wage, pretty far above minimum wage with okay benefits. And THAT IS NOT ENOUGH! I'm so tired, I'm so beat down and I just started. If I and so many other people can barely afford to live above MINIMUM wage, How the fuck can people rationalize paying human beings less? Goddfuckingammit.

I got paid today and spent it all yesterday.
I only bought what I need to stay clean, alive, and on rent.
I graduated with a business degree and a job in computer science.
I make a good entry wage, pretty far above minimum wage with okay benefits.
I'm so tired, I'm so beat down and I just started.
If I and so many other people can barely afford to live above MINIMUM wage,
How the fuck can people rationalize paying human beings less?

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