
I am so unbelievably tired of this.

For some background, I graduated from college with a degree in graphic design last fall, and I did an internship for a few months after that which was required for my graduation. I graduated college with honours having an 87% average and was told that my portfolio looked great by plenty of people. My work was always praised by my teachers and I tried my best and applied myself. I was fully remote during my internship and got a letter of recommendation which was also highly praising. When I finished my internship I thought “Well, how hard can it be to get a job now?” Jesus christ, I had no idea of the depression that awaited me. I have applied to over 600 jobs after that. They were almost all entry level. I have managed to get 5 interviews in a period of over 6 months. I was ghosted after…

For some background, I graduated from college with a degree in graphic design last fall, and I did an internship for a few months after that which was required for my graduation. I graduated college with honours having an 87% average and was told that my portfolio looked great by plenty of people. My work was always praised by my teachers and I tried my best and applied myself. I was fully remote during my internship and got a letter of recommendation which was also highly praising.

When I finished my internship I thought “Well, how hard can it be to get a job now?” Jesus christ, I had no idea of the depression that awaited me.

I have applied to over 600 jobs after that. They were almost all entry level. I have managed to get 5 interviews in a period of over 6 months. I was ghosted after every single one despite being told that we would “continue the conversation” the next day or that “they were firing me an email about the next meeting right now,” before promptly disappearing and never answering a single email from me ever again as if the interview never even happened. Legit they just vanish every time despite talking as if we are going to be getting a lunch and friendship bracelets together.

My favourite was subjecting myself to a 5 part interview for another unpaid internship after I had lost all hope of getting an actual job. I had to do interviews all the way up the CEO just to make sure that I “fit into their culture” and on the third interview I was declined because they were looking for an intern who could “bring other skills to their company.” What the fuck are you even talking about? Who hires interns to BRING skills to your company? I’m not even getting paid for this shit and you want me to bring skills to you? You’re supposed to teach me! I had freaking pages of notes for this shit. I was doing my absolute best in these interviews.

And the worst part is being gaslit by people who don’t understand the struggle. My dad saying “well if you applied to 500 jobs and you don’t get something, I think you are doing something wrong.” “Maybe it’s time to get another service job.” Or my mom literally saying “If you don’t envision success, you won’t reach it.” “Stop whining. You have to show them you are grateful.” “They won’t settle for somebody boring. You have to excite them.” These are both boomers who literally told me they walked into a place, asked for a job and got it on the spot.

I WANT to work. I want to apply myself. But if nobody will ever give me a chance despite having all the requirements, how is that my fault? I am legitimately trying my best and have been for over half a year and it feels like everyone just spits in your face. There is absolutely zero respect for workers nowadays and I didn’t realize how bad it was until I was actually in the position of job searching. It is legitimately so disheartening and depressing.

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