
I am you.

I don't normally post stuff or use social media but may today be a day that will live in infamy. If this post does not make someone feel anti-work with all we are going through right now then I don't know what will. ​ I used to be a teacher at an International school in Vietnam ( It was right next to the Russian embassy. I made soccer goals out of PVC pipe for the kids and put a net on it. ​ One day I saw the Russian kids hacking away and destroying the net for no reason. When I approached them they ran away with their sticks screaming “onwards to victory!” ​ I got stuck with them in the same elevator at the school one day and they just stared at me in complete silence. I tried to talk to them about famous ice hockey players who are…

I don't normally post stuff or use social media but may today be a day that will live in infamy. If this post does not make someone feel anti-work with all we are going through right now then I don't know what will.

I used to be a teacher at an International school in Vietnam ( It was right next to the Russian embassy. I made soccer goals out of PVC pipe for the kids and put a net on it.

One day I saw the Russian kids hacking away and destroying the net for no reason. When I approached them they ran away with their sticks screaming “onwards to victory!”

I got stuck with them in the same elevator at the school one day and they just stared at me in complete silence. I tried to talk to them about famous ice hockey players who are Russian in the NHL and they had no idea about them. I told them they could use the soccer goals if they wanted to. I fixed nets and saw them playing one day and having a good time.

It is in my opinion that this current Ukraine crisis situation is nothing short of decades of brainwashing.

How I ended up in Vietnam after I graduated right after the financial is not very suprising.

I had been living with and dating a northern Vietnamese lady and we both could not find any jobs after the manufactured crash

crisis. We decided it would be best if I took an English teaching job abroad in Ho Chi Minh city where she could go work for

her former employer IBM. I had applied at the time to several quality assurance jobs and they gave me low ball offers of 15 dollars an hour, however, teaching over there I could make 25 dollars an hour. The cost of living at the time over there was

only 800 dollars a month (including rent, food, and all you can drink beer).

I taught English, swimming, PE, and music at the FOSCO school in Saigon (HCMC). There were no regulations on what I could do

with my teaching program as it was a massive undertaking for 1 single person to be managing 4 subjects. The consequence of this

was I was able to do all sorts of fun things like drum circles, recording the kids in Ableton and putting them on autotune, teaching them how to float and swim and be safe in the water, and of course making sure they can communicate in English. Several

of my students are now in in the U.S. getting straight A grades (they still contact me from time to time). It is nice to see the

outcome considering the environment I had been granted. I was free to utilize any fun game or activity, topic, or media at my

disposal and there were real good results because of it.

Long story short, my ex wife and I had a kid on accident (he is doing very well considering the circumstances) and I knew staying in Vietnam would not be a good idea due to the

massive corruption that runs rampant across the country. I wanted the best air quality and education for him so I basically forced my ex to relocate to the U.S. (which she hates me for). After much debate about whether or not I should do teaching in the U.S., I decided to enroll in a Medical Laboratory Scientist program because it makes no sense in this country for anybody that is good at the craft to get paid less than 80k a year for the madness. Now for my Anti-Work Reusume:

  1. First job

    Was immediately low balled by a 19 dollar an hour offer by Health Central in Ocoee, FL. An unacceptable proposition

considering everyone is going to retire and nobody wants to do the job. Negotiated for 22 dollars an hour. Years went by and

it got slow one Summer and one of my coworkers was feeling a little concerned about her “work security” and insisted on “helping” me out with my job. I knew immediately that this person was feeling a little insecure so I acted silly as to deflect

the negativity that was being exuded by this person. They came to the conclusion that I must be on drugs and so a drug test

was conducted on me. It came back negative of course because there is nothing wrong with me mentally or physically and in short,

my director was fired and there was negative push back against me as the sole source of the problem. So I just left.

  1. Second job

    Worked at Clinical Pathology Laboratories in Orlando, FL. Got a substantial pay bump for working night shift (30 dollars

an hour). The shifts were long and hard (I would work 15 hours some nights) as we were competing with Quest Diagnostics and much of the work would arrive via plane from other locations. I made friends with a man called Felix Paradda, a semi pro chess

champion whom had played with several legends before. Shit got bad one day when Quest took their main account and everyone

in the place started acting aggressively towards on another. Several weeks later after they were treating him bad he did

not show up for work one day. The next week they told us that Felix had died. They closed the lab and are now sending all

their specimens to the Higginbotham location in Texas. They gave us all 4k leaving bonus as like a “thank you don't say anything” and job offer bonus in Higginbotham. Really? Thanks a lot? You made my friend die and that's what I get?

  1. Third Job (Health Park Fort Myers)

    This one is going to be a long one but bear with me here. I will give you the timeline:

    Ex wife (we had been sleeping in separate rooms for years) takes kid to South Korea and visits “Mr. Toilet House” during

Christmas 2019 ( She comes back and they are both sick for two weeks.

Immediately I know something is going on and there was some dark energy going on with this. I had an argument with her about

Vitamins because I know it is like ammo for your white blood cells. She got really angry at my because I wanted to give my own

kid Vitamins and ultimately I got smacked in the face because I was trying to say that she should be more open to the facts,

instead of gettting defensive about an opinion.

2019. We got divorced and I went down to Fort Myers @ Health Park. Things were O.K. for a while until the news of the 

pandemic hit in March 2020. I had seem a girl that had nice eyes and was kind of cute. I said nothing because I knew there could be some drama. The pandemic hit she was gone. Not a big deal right? Well no, because it brought out the worst in all of humanity.

2020 I'm doing lab testing for the scam. This is me ([]( These Abbott machines are set up on this

countertop in the wrong way. They are literally epoxied in the wrong way ( At Health Park someone

put a Box Fan in front of the Abbott machines and it's blowing Covid all over the place. I said, um isn't that a liability? The

box fan disappeared one day, and funnily enough several other fans were introduce but ultimately met there demise. Fans got

taken out 3 times.

2020 I'm using the Biofire respiratory panel test in October 2020 and the results do not make sense. This RVP2 panel (pre Covid) does not make any sense at all. The results were coming back for ABCD virus (including the old Corona virus). They sent an e-mail saying "Oh, just retest on another day with a new specimen and report it". So I did that. What I saw in October 2020 was the virus was changing. Instead of producing an ABCD result it came back with ABC--F!

What they did next is they took the entire lot of reagent for RVP2 (pre Covid) and they threw it away because it got 

messed up because of the virus. On October 2020 they had officials come in to Health Park medical center and disposed the old lot of reagent. Very official looking people. Look at this They are covering their tracks.

The saddest thing is that my Ex wife and son were forced vaccinated. She got Myocarditis from the vaccine after already

having Covid. My son Clark Minh also got sick as well after already having Covid.

Egoism dictates human relations

A world where fashion outshines morality

Here success is written in blood-red colours

Designed by the thirst for power

I Admonish those whoom challenge these verifiable facts. If I shall die tomorrow. Bear witness.

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