So long story short. I’m absolutely SICK of working for my current job. One of my bosses treats me like absolute dog puke, while I’ve been doing 60+ hr work weeks to cover for his damn other employee who calls out 2-3x a week and although she’s only been here for 5 months, has already taken 70 days of time off to go to raves. Yet I asked for ONE day off to go to the dentist for an emergency dental procedure, and nearly got fired. It was my SCHEDULED day off, I told him 3 days prior that I could not cover whatsoever. Dude’s been treating me like shit ever since. Not once have I called out. I do more than my fair share, and have basically been his mini manager since day 1. I’m also risking drug trafficking charges just even being here because of us recently starting to sell magic mushrooms..
So, me being me, I applied around to other jobs. I have a hefty amount of sales and management experience, at only age 21. Multiple awards for my salesmanship. For exceeding $20k+ in sales every month for a full YEAR while all my other coworkers were pulling <$7k every month. So I applied to a local company who needs a salesman. They contacted me immediately after getting my resume, and having called my references and wanted to interview on the spot so they could hire me. I plain and simple just asked “Do you guys have any policy against hair colour or piercings?”. I did so in a polite matter, and explained why I thought to ask.
The dude ghosted me for nearly a week. Then his other recruiter reached out. I told him “Sorry, but I figured I was no longer on your applicants list after being ghosted by your other recruiter. As it has been nearly a full week, I’ve chosen not to interview with your company, my apologies”. They’re now harassing me via phone calls and emails. Back to back to back.
If you cannot take the time to just RESPECT AN APPLICANT, and their minuscule question, you’ll never hire someone. It baffles me that after talking to both of these men, now they’re just straight harassing me over it trying to bully me into working for them. Glad I chose not to interview with this company man..