
I asked for a raise and it sent my boss’ boss into a frenzy

I work in accounting, I post approximately 200 transactions every single week. To keep it less technical I put information onto our account every week at a rate of 200 per week as a conservative estimate within those 200 they range in difficulty from low to high, less time consuming to very time-consuming in terms of pulling the information together to get that individual “transaction correct.” So I ask for a raise and everything goes quiet, 2 weeks later a meeting is scheduled with my boss and I by my boss' boss and I think ok here we go this is the chat about the raise I asked for, I went in wholly unprepared for what it was. My boss' boss spent what I assume was at least a full week to 10 days, going through every single transaction I had posted in the last 6 months highlighting every single…

I work in accounting, I post approximately 200 transactions every single week. To keep it less technical I put information onto our account every week at a rate of 200 per week as a conservative estimate within those 200 they range in difficulty from low to high, less time consuming to very time-consuming in terms of pulling the information together to get that individual “transaction correct.”

So I ask for a raise and everything goes quiet, 2 weeks later a meeting is scheduled with my boss and I by my boss' boss and I think ok here we go this is the chat about the raise I asked for, I went in wholly unprepared for what it was.

My boss' boss spent what I assume was at least a full week to 10 days, going through every single transaction I had posted in the last 6 months highlighting every single mistake.

She must have come to the meeting with a list of 30-35 errors on a spreadsheet that she had found and pain strikingly took us through each one highlighting why it was wrong or incorrect.

I was obviously not expecting it so I got caught like a deer in headlights but on reflection 200 postings a week, 866 a month, 5196 in 6 months and she only found 30-35 mistakes and I'm absolutely confident she dug and dug like a dog looking for a bone.

The mistakes were immaterial in respect of the grand picture of my work because these mistakes had gone under the radar unless someone specifically dredged every skeleton in every closet.

Still waiting to discuss that raise…sigh

Edit: Almost forgot I also got randomly selected for a drug test.

Edit 2:
Throughout she was heavily implying she hardly looked and just skimmed through my work as if to say here is what I found in a short period of time.

But that's some bs, because she had transactions on the list that were 6 month old in some cases.

The way she painted the picture was as if, I flicked through your work for 15 minutes and I found this, no mention of the volume of work those errors came from.

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