
I asked my boss for a raise and he fired me instead.

I threatened to quit if he didn't give me a raise. I thought I was valuable to the company being his #2 guy. I'm not being paid what I'm worth at all. I told him if I don't get a raise I quit and he said he'd get back to me next week, well next week came and he was using that time to find my replacement and I'm fired. FUCK. Plot twist I've been looking for a new job for months and have had zero success. FUCK.

I threatened to quit if he didn't give me a raise. I thought I was valuable to the company being his #2 guy. I'm not being paid what I'm worth at all. I told him if I don't get a raise I quit and he said he'd get back to me next week, well next week came and he was using that time to find my replacement and I'm fired. FUCK.

Plot twist I've been looking for a new job for months and have had zero success. FUCK.

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