
I asked my boss if we could start doing active shooter drills… she told me not say something like that and to knock on wood.

I work in social services. We get tons of pissed off parents, guardians, and caretakers wanting their children back. Or they are upset that they have to attend classes or submit to drug testing. Last week on Friday, my coworker got a call from a parent whose children were removed from her care. She started telling my coworker that she was going to come up to our office and beat her up. She started telling her that she knows what kind of car she drives and everything. My coworker reported the incident to our supervisor who only told her that she’ll let security know to look out for the woman and to walk my coworker to her car.. lo and behold the woman showed up to our office brandishing some kind of bat. She was arrested after attacking one of the security guards (i think she swung and missed, thankfully).…

I work in social services. We get tons of pissed off parents, guardians, and caretakers wanting their children back. Or they are upset that they have to attend classes or submit to drug testing. Last week on Friday, my coworker got a call from a parent whose children were removed from her care. She started telling my coworker that she was going to come up to our office and beat her up. She started telling her that she knows what kind of car she drives and everything. My coworker reported the incident to our supervisor who only told her that she’ll let security know to look out for the woman and to walk my coworker to her car.. lo and behold the woman showed up to our office brandishing some kind of bat. She was arrested after attacking one of the security guards (i think she swung and missed, thankfully). Obviously my coworker was very shaken by this and went home early. The more I kept thinking about the incident, the more I realized that we were kind of lucky that the woman only had a bat. But when the woman came, there was no drill in place to let us know that someone had a weapon, only people yelling down the hall way. I went to my supervisor and told her that we should have a drill in place when someone brings any weapon including a gun to our office. My supervisor told me it’s not that serious and to not say things like that. She also told me to knock on wood. I left my supervisors office and emailed her supervisor about her response and wanting to implement more drills. I’m waiting on a response now.

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