
I asked my employer over a month ago if my contract is going to be extended, found out today I will be unemployed in 3 weeks

I honestly don’t know how to feel right now. After 6 months of unemployment, I finally landed a temporary role at what I thought was a great company. Average pay, great benefits, get to work from home etc. They told me as long as there is work available, they will keep me on. Well, a couple of weeks ago they posted a listing for the exact same job I’m doing now, but on a permanent contract paying £8000 more than I currently make. I’d already asked my manager if my contract was going to continue, as work has been light lately, and they told me they didn’t know. I applied for this permanent role, had my interview, fairly confident I would get it as it’s literally what I already do and they know I’m a good worker. Today I got the call. Not only am I not being offered the…

I honestly don’t know how to feel right now.

After 6 months of unemployment, I finally landed a temporary role at what I thought was a great company. Average pay, great benefits, get to work from home etc. They told me as long as there is work available, they will keep me on.

Well, a couple of weeks ago they posted a listing for the exact same job I’m doing now, but on a permanent contract paying £8000 more than I currently make.

I’d already asked my manager if my contract was going to continue, as work has been light lately, and they told me they didn’t know. I applied for this permanent role, had my interview, fairly confident I would get it as it’s literally what I already do and they know I’m a good worker.

Today I got the call. Not only am I not being offered the role but my contract is being cancelled at the beginning of October. They had nothing negative to say about me, only that the person they’ve picked has more experience.

Im in shock. They told me they couldn’t have managed the last few months without me, then let me keep my job? My finances are still a wreck from being unemployed for so long. I have a master’s degree, I have experience, I interview well, I cannot do unemployment again when we’re about to hit a recession.

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