
I asked off for the holidays for the first time

This isn't a hot story, but its something that happened to me that I need to vent about. Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry if the formatting is shit. I'm fairly new to working FT and having time off. I've always worked PT in jobs that didn't pay enough and never gave any time off whatsoever – if I didn't come in, I didn't get paid. Simple as that. And I needed the money, so of course I was there. Well, I got a FT job and have been there over a year and have saved up a nice amount of vacation days and I was excited to use them for around the holidays this year. I know, I know – everyone tries to do this, but where I work it's not a big deal because there are plenty of people who have previously stated they are fine working the…

This isn't a hot story, but its something that happened to me that I need to vent about. Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry if the formatting is shit.

I'm fairly new to working FT and having time off. I've always worked PT in jobs that didn't pay enough and never gave any time off whatsoever – if I didn't come in, I didn't get paid. Simple as that. And I needed the money, so of course I was there. Well, I got a FT job and have been there over a year and have saved up a nice amount of vacation days and I was excited to use them for around the holidays this year. I know, I know – everyone tries to do this, but where I work it's not a big deal because there are plenty of people who have previously stated they are fine working the days I would like off.

I asked for those days off and was laughed at and told that just because I have vacation days doesn't mean I get to take them.

Honestly I was shocked by this response – the laughing and snarky remark really threw me for a loop. The way it was said felt so disrespectful. Like I should just know and accept these to be facts and gtfo. And also, this is a company that proudly tells its employees to take time off whenever they need to. It would've been one thing to say “hey sorry, I need to look into this and I'll let you know if it's approved” but I was literally laughed at like the class dunce and I wanted to crawl into a hole and fucking die.

It made me feel demoralized and I hate that employers act like lords over our time as employees. I hate that I have to play into this bullshit system just to have a comfortable life – where I can afford just the bare necessities of my damn life. I hate that my time will never be my own – at least for the foreseeable future. I hate that every time I start to feel confident in my role, the demoralization hammer comes down in some form or another and makes me wonder what the fuck is the point.

TLDR: Working is bullshit and I'm sick of it.

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