
I aspire to be like my ex-coworker

Not sure if I can really call him that but I am a cashier at a store for 12/hr and he quit after his first day because he stated that the wages weren’t worth the job and the store was messy (in terms of socially) since an older coworker lady told him to stay away from another coworker because she doesn’t like her and didn’t know that the girl she was talking about was literally his friend prior to him having the job. It’s been 3 months for me so far and I’m desperately looking for a way out (aka a better job) but I respect his tact in immediately leaving at the first few red flags presented

Not sure if I can really call him that but I am a cashier at a store for 12/hr and he quit after his first day because he stated that the wages weren’t worth the job and the store was messy (in terms of socially) since an older coworker lady told him to stay away from another coworker because she doesn’t like her and didn’t know that the girl she was talking about was literally his friend prior to him having the job. It’s been 3 months for me so far and I’m desperately looking for a way out (aka a better job) but I respect his tact in immediately leaving at the first few red flags presented

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