
I believe I have every right to be angry.

I was offered a job and two days before I was to start they rescinded their offer. They’re reasoning was that they were hesitant that I was commuting 35 minutes (Which I assured was no problem) and I quote “I expected you would be more than happy to accept.” I suppose to them I didn’t sound happy enough about the offer. I wanted to be professional about it on the phone because I didn’t think they wanted to hear me being giddy. Not to mention, when I asked questions before I accepted the offer, it was deemed off putting because they felt they more than throughly explained it all during the interview. Even though they were brand new questions to clarify benefits and dress code. I wore contacts to the interview but Is it okay that I wear my rainbow glasses. Confirming that the benefits were open enrollment. Things like…

I was offered a job and two days before I was to start they rescinded their offer.

They’re reasoning was that they were hesitant that I was commuting 35 minutes (Which I assured was no problem) and I quote “I expected you would be more than happy to accept.” I suppose to them I didn’t sound happy enough about the offer. I wanted to be professional about it on the phone because I didn’t think they wanted to hear me being giddy.

Not to mention, when I asked questions before I accepted the offer, it was deemed off putting because they felt they more than throughly explained it all during the interview. Even though they were brand new questions to clarify benefits and dress code. I wore contacts to the interview but Is it okay that I wear my rainbow glasses. Confirming that the benefits were open enrollment. Things like that. They called me the perfect candidate for the role but because I didn’t sound happy enough over the phone, I wasn’t the best fit anymore.

I brought up that I couldn’t start until a certain day because I had appointments which they reassured me wasn’t a problem. My start date got pushed back only two days. It got brought up as an issue during the email. The kicker was that they were the ones who suggested the start date.

Due to me accepting the offer, I had already turned down another job and two other interviews. Now, I have no job, no interviews, and their well wishes. “You’re a wonderful candidate who will do great things. Best of luck in your future endeavors.” I can’t eat their well wishes or use it to pay bills.

I feel like I deserve to be angry.

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