
I called in to work this morning to be decent to explain why I was quitting and was told “the least you could have done was find somebody to cover your shift”

I thought these post were made up, but managers minds really work that way. I had tried to explain I was being sent home early each shift, sometimes midway through an 8 hour shift. I receive food stamps and am going to lose them and need the hours to feed my family, and can’t afford gas at 5.30 a gallon to be sent home either. I explained my last three shifts were that way. And I’ve only been there four days and this to me is a red flag immediately. I am scheduled for 8 hours and am being sent home at 3/4 hours in with a person waiting in the break room to relieve me. One day I worked only two hours. Her response “ you could have at least found somebody to cover your shift” My response, “I don’t owe you that (anti work trained me well) and…

I thought these post were made up, but managers minds really work that way.
I had tried to explain I was being sent home early each shift, sometimes midway through an 8 hour shift. I receive food stamps and am going to lose them and need the hours to feed my family, and can’t afford gas at 5.30 a gallon to be sent home either.

I explained my last three shifts were that way. And I’ve only been there four days and this to me is a red flag immediately. I am scheduled for 8 hours and am being sent home at 3/4 hours in with a person waiting in the break room to relieve me. One day I worked only two hours.

Her response “ you could have at least found somebody to cover your shift”
My response, “I don’t owe you that (anti work trained me well) and the least you could have done was make sure I was getting my full hours” and then shouted

“F*ck you” and hung up!

If I’d had called anyone to cover my shift, how would they feel to know they won’t know when they would get out and it could be a waste of time period and gas to come in? And was I to call everyone for the next three days after I was quitting to cover shifts LMAO? Will I be getting paid for that? Like wtf?

I am pretty sad though. I was really hoping this would be the last job I’d work at for a while, instead of the 3rd job in 6 weeks. These managers lie right to my face and I won’t work for a liar. I will bust my ass for a fair and honest person. Not somebody who tells me one thing and does another.

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