
I cannot believe how dumb I am at the self-checkout registers.

The store I go to just let go of half the checkout people and opened a new self-checkout center (I know a bit late right) so now we either have to wait for the service desk to call up a clerk to ring us out, or we have to ring everything out ourselves. Thing is, I am not a store employee or a food expert. So when I have to ring things myself I make so many mistakes. Today, I bought extra large tomatoes and rang them up as potatoes (.89 per pound vs 3.49 per pound), Organic bananas at the price of regular bananas, and damn if I did not single scan all the double packs of meat that I bought. I completely forgot about the steaks in the bottom of my cart, did not ring them up at all. I even asked someone to help me find the…

The store I go to just let go of half the checkout people and opened a new self-checkout center (I know a bit late right) so now we either have to wait for the service desk to call up a clerk to ring us out, or we have to ring everything out ourselves.

Thing is, I am not a store employee or a food expert. So when I have to ring things myself I make so many mistakes.

Today, I bought extra large tomatoes and rang them up as potatoes (.89 per pound vs 3.49 per pound), Organic bananas at the price of regular bananas, and damn if I did not single scan all the double packs of meat that I bought. I completely forgot about the steaks in the bottom of my cart, did not ring them up at all. I even asked someone to help me find the ears of corn on the screen because I did not know how to ring those up either. After the guy showed me where they were (at 5 for 2 dollars), I put 11 in a bag and rung up 5.

I am so stupid.

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