
I can’t believe my boss.

Little backstory: I have a department manager who is quitting at the place I work. As it is I’m being paid minimum wage (my union isn’t doing shit about it) and I have to deal with the stress of working two positions at a time quite frequently. I also am a full time high school student. With the department manager leaving, my hour restrictions and RTO’s are both being ignored due to a lack of employees. The second in my department has stepped up to take the old manager’s position. In the first schedule the second wrote she managed to give herself four days off in a row. I am now looking for work that pays better because I can’t imagine working under this lady for any amount of time. The head of the store said hiring new people was, “At the bottom of his priority list.” I can’t wait…

Little backstory: I have a department manager who is quitting at the place I work. As it is I’m being paid minimum wage (my union isn’t doing shit about it) and I have to deal with the stress of working two positions at a time quite frequently. I also am a full time high school student.

  With the department manager leaving, my hour restrictions and RTO’s are both being ignored due to a lack of employees. The second in my department has stepped up to take the old manager’s position. In the first schedule the second wrote she managed to give herself four days off in a row. I am now looking for work that pays better because I can’t imagine working under this lady for any amount of time. The head of the store said hiring new people was, “At the bottom of his priority list.” I can’t wait to see how quickly the bottom of the priority list becomes begging us all to stay. I already know almost half of the department, which is rather small, is leaving.

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