
I can’t bring myself to go to work for the past week

I've pretty much made up my mind that I'm ready to move on to something else. I thought I was done with blue collar work with my last job, but this job offered me more money than I expected so I accepted it. I don't even need that much money, I live alone and I have no debt, I could realistically make enough to get by working a part time job. Half my money I probably end up spending on comfort food just to get through the work day, like sometimes I literally need a candy bar from the vending machine just to get some endorphins because it's so soul crushing standing at my machine all day. I've called off the past 3 work days and I'm still not feeling going back. I feel guilty quitting cause I like my supervisor just not the job, at this point if I…

I've pretty much made up my mind that I'm ready to move on to something else. I thought I was done with blue collar work with my last job, but this job offered me more money than I expected so I accepted it. I don't even need that much money, I live alone and I have no debt, I could realistically make enough to get by working a part time job. Half my money I probably end up spending on comfort food just to get through the work day, like sometimes I literally need a candy bar from the vending machine just to get some endorphins because it's so soul crushing standing at my machine all day.

I've called off the past 3 work days and I'm still not feeling going back. I feel guilty quitting cause I like my supervisor just not the job, at this point if I don't back sometime this week they'll probably get me for attendance and just let me go lol

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