
I can’t decide what to do

I graduated from college in December and got my first job in early April, so I've been there for almost 3 months. The job is okay, it required a steep learning curve that I managed pretty well but it's pretty boring overall. I realized pretty quick that it's not something I want to do long term and I thought that I would commit to staying at the very least 6 months. However, I saw a job posting at another nearby company that sounded more interesting and had better pay/benefits/hybrid schedule. Impulsively, I applied for it. I didn't expect much to happen because I have a friend there who says they take FOREVER to get back to applicants. However, a day after they emailed and said they want to interview me. Now I'm extremely conflicted because I know it's really bad form to leave after 3 months. Let me say that…

I graduated from college in December and got my first job in early April, so I've been there for almost 3 months. The job is okay, it required a steep learning curve that I managed pretty well but it's pretty boring overall. I realized pretty quick that it's not something I want to do long term and I thought that I would commit to staying at the very least 6 months.

However, I saw a job posting at another nearby company that sounded more interesting and had better pay/benefits/hybrid schedule. Impulsively, I applied for it. I didn't expect much to happen because I have a friend there who says they take FOREVER to get back to applicants. However, a day after they emailed and said they want to interview me.

Now I'm extremely conflicted because I know it's really bad form to leave after 3 months. Let me say that I bear no ill will towards my company or co-workers/bosses. I actually like my bosses and they are generally good, so I would feel really bad screwing them over. If they were monsters, I would not hesitate.

I don't know what to do. I would feel so bad leaving. Some people are telling me to at least interview. But I'm so conflicted about even pursuing it. I shouldn't have applied. Advice/thoughts?

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