
I can’t do it anymore

As the title says I can't take this work culture anymore, I currently live in Mississippi and there aren't any jobs willing to pay enough for rent and don't even think about including the price to eat, clothe yourself and other basic needs as well. I can't go to school I've never been rich or had rich famiy members, had to start working from 17 to provide for my grand parents. barely surivng and living in a tin box that's collapsing and infested with roaches. It's the only place I have due to my friend being gracious enough but I WANT TO LIVE IN A CLEAN PLACE WHERE I CAN COOK! I don't know if this is me ranting or possibly my last cry into the void before I take the final sleep; I'm just tired of trying for companies that aren't going to provide me with enough pay to…

As the title says I can't take this work culture anymore, I currently live in Mississippi and there aren't any jobs willing to pay enough for rent and don't even think about including the price to eat, clothe yourself and other basic needs as well. I can't go to school I've never been rich or had rich famiy members, had to start working from 17 to provide for my grand parents. barely surivng and living in a tin box that's collapsing and infested with roaches. It's the only place I have due to my friend being gracious enough but I WANT TO LIVE IN A CLEAN PLACE WHERE I CAN COOK! I don't know if this is me ranting or possibly my last cry into the void before I take the final sleep; I'm just tired of trying for companies that aren't going to provide me with enough pay to live decently. This is just a rambling of a desperate man trapped in a hell he knows no escape from. Thank you to the few beautiful souls I have meet in this world.

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