
i can’t fake interest, idk what I’m gonna do for work

I got hired in IT as an entry level tech. My boss is cool, my coworkers are cool, and the job is in my city. But the pay is 2 bucks above minimum wage. If I wasn't living with my parents I'd be homeless. So while I do anything my employer tells me I can't fake enthusiasm. He talked to me at my 2 Month probation period and said he just wants to know if I'm serious about the job since I sometimes get distracted by looking at other things (books, posters, etc) while out on location. “Are you not interested in the job?” I am. But there's a lot of waiting around while things get set up, so I naturally look around the clients office out of mild curiosity. If this job paid a living wage and then yeah I'd fake enthusiasm but I'm barely making 2 bucks more…

I got hired in IT as an entry level tech. My boss is cool, my coworkers are cool, and the job is in my city. But the pay is 2 bucks above minimum wage. If I wasn't living with my parents I'd be homeless.

So while I do anything my employer tells me I can't fake enthusiasm. He talked to me at my 2 Month probation period and said he just wants to know if I'm serious about the job since I sometimes get distracted by looking at other things (books, posters, etc) while out on location. “Are you not interested in the job?” I am. But there's a lot of waiting around while things get set up, so I naturally look around the clients office out of mild curiosity.

If this job paid a living wage and then yeah I'd fake enthusiasm but I'm barely making 2 bucks more than some teenager.

It made me even less enthusiastic

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