
I could quit working and work for myself buying and selling and running online retain and scavenging for profit

I have been working as an apprentice in a funeral home for the past year. I am almost done with school and very close to being a licensed funeral director I went into the funeral business because I wanted an interesting job where I could throw myself into tough situations and make the best of them. I wanted to help people and do the right thing. I truly went in for all the right reasons. But now, over a year into it, I’m discovering that I don’t like talking to people and I’m not good at it. Really the only thing I actually like about the job anymore is the embalming. I’m finding that I don’t like having to always look my best and present myself in the nicest way every single day. And I’m not good at it. Outside of work, I was trying to figure out some extra…

I have been working as an apprentice in a funeral home for the past year. I am almost done with school and very close to being a licensed funeral director

I went into the funeral business because I wanted an interesting job where I could throw myself into tough situations and make the best of them. I wanted to help people and do the right thing. I truly went in for all the right reasons.

But now, over a year into it, I’m discovering that I don’t like talking to people and I’m not good at it. Really the only thing I actually like about the job anymore is the embalming. I’m finding that I don’t like having to always look my best and present myself in the nicest way every single day. And I’m not good at it.

Outside of work, I was trying to figure out some extra income and I started flipping and scavenging and selling stuff on eBay, marketplace, and Craigslist. I set up a dropshipping account and it’s actually working. If I was doing this full-time, I could make a living off of it.

And then it would be no more boss, no more judgmental coworkers, no more “keeping up appearances”.

So maybe I’ll just finish up school and get licensed, become a trade embalmer, take jobs from various funeral homes at my own discretion, and keep trying to grow my scavenge/buy/sell online endeavor.

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