
I cried and nearly walked out today.

Let me preface this by saying I love my job and I couldn't imagine ever leaving the kitchen scene. (Also sorry for formatting on mobile) So I work in a small tourist town and on average we get about 30-50k visitors in and out on the weekends. The restaurant I work in gets slammed and hellish all the time, this weekend was different. We've had a couple new trainees for eh at least a month now they work for days a week 6 hour shifts you'd think they'd at least have an idea. No. One of them is drunk the entirety of his shift and has no clue what is happening. He stands there and is in the way and will ask where we are at via the tickets and it's like dude I'm not sure myself alright just toast buns and plate shit that's all I'm asking but he…

Let me preface this by saying I love my job and I couldn't imagine ever leaving the kitchen scene. (Also sorry for formatting on mobile) So I work in a small tourist town and on average we get about 30-50k visitors in and out on the weekends. The restaurant I work in gets slammed and hellish all the time, this weekend was different. We've had a couple new trainees for eh at least a month now they work for days a week 6 hour shifts you'd think they'd at least have an idea. No. One of them is drunk the entirety of his shift and has no clue what is happening. He stands there and is in the way and will ask where we are at via the tickets and it's like dude I'm not sure myself alright just toast buns and plate shit that's all I'm asking but he can't manage that. So Saturday I ran out grill solo for 12 hours with the only real break I had being about 10-15 minutes. This man did nothing but make my situation worse as I had to stop and explain to him constantly what was going on. Today pulled another 10 hours, the morning was fine had the good crew and we did great with just 4 of us compared to the night shifts 8. This 19 year old kid is working with me on our saute station and is acting like he runs the shit so I decided to let him have a little freedom as my anxiety has been horrid the last few weeks and tonight was a near outpour, that being said he's flipping around the kitchen trying to cook the entire ticket board whilst not communicating anything to me about what he's making so I know what I can make. I'm trying to read 35-60 tickets that half of them look like a Walgreens receipt, and he's sitting there telling me “I know youre just more comfortable on the grill” and it's like no mother fucker if you'd just slow down for fifteen God damn seconds and let me catch my breathe I'd be fine but he thinks he's got something to prove that he's better than I am or some shit. In the midst of this chaos I have people asking for food that I don't even have tickets for or that hasn't even been started because we're just cooking what the fuck ever we feel like aperantly, grill cooks are literally burning a hole into a statue pan the 19 year old is burning half the shit he's cooking because he can't even keep up with the pace he's trying to go at of fryer people are trying to talk to me about some random shit and I finally lost it. I snapped telling the kid he needs to slow down he's stressing me out and he retorted “well at least I know where we are” and when I told him I fucking get that that Im trying to fucking figure it out so I can be of use I get told I need to just go the fuck outside by the head chef. So I went the fuck outside and sat there on the clock for about half an hour before anyone decided to talk to me about what happened. I sat outside on the deck of my workplace sobbing contemplating how badly I need this job, and sadly the answer is I have to have it. I'm trying to buy a house and this job has paid me better than ever. If it hadn't been for this girl (and I'm pretty sure they sent her on purpose everyone knows I have a crush) I probably wouldn't have made it through the rest of the night maybe this isn't antiwork but I needed to vent.

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