
I cried today because nothing ever works at my job

I cried today because nothing ever works at my job and let me explain. I've been working at this job for about 8 months and I'm tired. I got to the point where almost off myself today because I just can't. I haven't been able to get into a lot of my tools since September and I have notified multiple managers. I had to fix my computer myself because they kept telling me that my apartment was too old to do work from home when I came to site. But when I bought my own equipment everything magically started working. They told me that they did not have enough computers to be able to continuously switch out my equipment so I just went to Walmart and bought equipment myself because I just want to work that's it. I work at a call center and I started crying because I felt…

I cried today because nothing ever works at my job and let me explain. I've been working at this job for about 8 months and I'm tired. I got to the point where almost off myself today because I just can't. I haven't been able to get into a lot of my tools since September and I have notified multiple managers. I had to fix my computer myself because they kept telling me that my apartment was too old to do work from home when I came to site. But when I bought my own equipment everything magically started working. They told me that they did not have enough computers to be able to continuously switch out my equipment so I just went to Walmart and bought equipment myself because I just want to work that's it. I work at a call center and I started crying because I felt gaslighted because I called one of the managers on the help desk because my email wasn't working and she gave me website to get on to the email now if my job didn't need email as much as it did I wouldn't be crying about this but I have to verify people and answer their questions for different credit unions and Banks. And a lot of times it's very micro-managed and we have to send an emails for certain things or get codes to log into certain things through the email. Now mind you I can barely log into my computer most days and even though sometimes I get paid for it I just get very agitated because we are required to meet certain stats. And since I have to call into the help desk that has us wait on hold for at least 20 minutes I just started breaking down crying about my talk time. And this isn't the first time that a supervisor has threatened to write me up about talk time I was put on ticket checks for months and people were checking over my tickets and they were taking about 5 to 6 minutes to do ticket checks on me plus the 22 minutes that I had to wait online for someone to answer the phone and my supervisor was like well if you get more than three one star scores in a category then we have to write you up and I was like but y'all purposely gave me a handicap for getting three tickets sent back after taking up 1, 079 in a month . They want 5 minute calls with verification in less than 29 second wrap up time with a cross sale or an upsell on the call greater than 5% of your calls being a sale do you know how hard that is to have 29 seconds in between calls if that.We are expected to take calls even when our equipment does not work. We are expected to have perfect stats even when our equipment does not work. I'm tired but I want to cry because I feel like every job is going to be like this until I die. Bad management after bad management after bad management. I even had one employee tell me that when I called out I had to use the website to document my absence instead of using the calling outline and tell me why the call out website didn't work either. So I just started crying again I just want the tools at my job to work so I can work that's all that's all I want. And my job really only pays us enough to survive so it's not like I have a lot of savings because I'm literally working from paycheck to paycheck just grinding and I feel like bursting in the tears everyday. I feel like a failure because my mother said that I couldn't even work like a work from home job but she doesn't work at all and she doesn't understand how hard it is to get cussed out and your equipment is not working I just want to cry because I'm not cut out to be an adult and I feel like a failure

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