
I did it, I quit!

I almost quit two weeks ago. I had a nasty sinus infection and was told I still had to come in or I was fired. I still went then. I am normally a healthy person, besides this month apparently. Two weeks later, I've got a stomach bug, I haven't been able to eat for two days. I first asked my friend if there was anyone I could call to ask to take my shift, no answer. I had my wife go down there and they basically said they weren't taking my calls. Tried to call the store phone, tried to call my boss over and over. They were purposely not taking my attempts to call in sick so I'd have to come in. So, I quit. I had to have my wife bring my key back. I told them I refuse to come to work sick, again. I also became…

I almost quit two weeks ago. I had a nasty sinus infection and was told I still had to come in or I was fired. I still went then. I am normally a healthy person, besides this month apparently. Two weeks later, I've got a stomach bug, I haven't been able to eat for two days. I first asked my friend if there was anyone I could call to ask to take my shift, no answer. I had my wife go down there and they basically said they weren't taking my calls. Tried to call the store phone, tried to call my boss over and over. They were purposely not taking my attempts to call in sick so I'd have to come in. So, I quit. I had to have my wife bring my key back. I told them I refuse to come to work sick, again. I also became a manager almost a month ago and am still being paid the starting wage. Fuck subway! I love in a very small town and there aren't many options, but thanks to some of you guys here, no matter what, I refuse to be exploited as an employee. Me and the wife have about 6 months worth of savings put away and it is about to be tourist season, everywhere is hiring. I'll have a job before my last paycheck hits. Don't settle my friends, were worth being treated like humans no matter the job.

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