
I didn’t think it would happen but I’ve had to cut food out of my daily expenses

I'm just venting, not really anything I can do about it. not trying to look for like financial advice or whatever, it is what it is. I make $13/hr living in Oklahoma. I live with a roommate, I work from home so I don't have to drive. This year has absolutely been the worst year of my life hands down. Christmas last year my fiancée of 7 years broke up with me, moved out, and I had just taken out a loan to go back to college. I've struggled with depression for a long while, multiple unalive attempts and so in March I got admitted to a mental hospital. I had to drop out of school and get another job, the last of which I had to quit due to mental health reasons. I then got bombarded with like, 5 huge unlikely events that cost me thousands of dollars each…

I'm just venting, not really anything I can do about it. not trying to look for like financial advice or whatever, it is what it is.

I make $13/hr living in Oklahoma. I live with a roommate, I work from home so I don't have to drive.

This year has absolutely been the worst year of my life hands down. Christmas last year my fiancée of 7 years broke up with me, moved out, and I had just taken out a loan to go back to college. I've struggled with depression for a long while, multiple unalive attempts and so in March I got admitted to a mental hospital. I had to drop out of school and get another job, the last of which I had to quit due to mental health reasons. I then got bombarded with like, 5 huge unlikely events that cost me thousands of dollars each time, which completely wiped out any saving I had.

so I bring home after tax like 700 bucks every 2 weeks. and my bills and rent are about $1100. I also have two dogs which I need to keep alive plus needing to see a therapist everyweek, so I'm pretty strapped for cash.

And so I've been having to eat every other day and I eat only once. I could probably afford to eat more but I want to have like, a little buffer in case anything else happens just, frustrating. don't qualify for EBT in Oklahoma because I make too much money also lmao.

America sucks balls.

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