I want to own my own home, no mortgage, no hoa.
I DO want to work, but not something that breaks me down physically or mentally.
I don't want to work long stupid fuckin hours.
I don't want to work five days of the week.
I want to be able to afford to go on vacation once or twice a year.
I want to be able to retire early, like in my late 40's – early 50's.
I don't want to worry about how decisions of my bosses or government will affect my life.
I don't want to deal with shitty people including customers, neighbors, co-workers, family.
I don't want to buy two sets of clothing just because a t-shirt is “not professional”.
I don't want to be bothered with inconveniences.
I don't want to fight this fight… I'm tired.
Let me live in peace and be happy.
Fuck greed, fuck money, fuck garbage human beings….. Fuck this world.