
I don’t believe people fully comprehend the money spent in the US on stupid stuff.

To fully grasp the income inequality, think about how much money is spent on things that mean absolutely nothing and how much that money could help people instead. For example, think about television commercials…companies spend almost a MILLION dollars for a 30 second ad during Sunday night football. That's not even counting the cost to make it. It's another $1-2 million to make one, particularly if they hire a celebrity. Imagine the profits for a company that spends $3 million on an ad that's sole purpose is to return the money spent and then some. The corporate greed is beyond out of control here. Companies refuse to pay decent wages just so they can throw millions of dollars in the trash. I'm sorry, but a pepsi commercial is not going to change anyone's mind about pepsi; they drink it or they don't. Hell, imagine even if a few of these…

To fully grasp the income inequality, think about how much money is spent on things that mean absolutely nothing and how much that money could help people instead.

For example, think about television commercials…companies spend almost a MILLION dollars for a 30 second ad during Sunday night football. That's not even counting the cost to make it. It's another $1-2 million to make one, particularly if they hire a celebrity. Imagine the profits for a company that spends $3 million on an ad that's sole purpose is to return the money spent and then some.

The corporate greed is beyond out of control here. Companies refuse to pay decent wages just so they can throw millions of dollars in the trash. I'm sorry, but a pepsi commercial is not going to change anyone's mind about pepsi; they drink it or they don't. Hell, imagine even if a few of these corporations even donated the money instead of making one commercial. Ads are only one example, there are so many stupid things to spend millions on.

I get angry everyday thinking about the MASSIVE amounts of money spent on meaningless things when people are struggling to buy food and gas to simply LIVE. We are in the endgame of capitalism, and it passed right by us. I don't know if it can be stopped at this point, and even if it could, not enough people are willing.

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