
I Don’t Care Anymore

I’m not revealing my name but I have a upper management position at one of the top-selling Harley Davidson dealerships in the Midwest/East Coast. I’ve been here in total a little over a year. Used to love this place and fought through a motorcycle injury to get my current position but it wasn’t worth it. My managers are constantly up my ass, they let everyone else fuck off and bullshit but the second I do it, I get in trouble (only because I’m very young for my job title [im in my early 20s], the last guy who had my job didn’t get this treatment), other managers who aren’t my boss are dickbags and then whine to my boss when I basically tell them to suck a dick. People spread rumors worse than high schoolers here, and I’ve heard shit about me that isn’t even in the realm of being…

I’m not revealing my name but I have a upper management position at one of the top-selling Harley Davidson dealerships in the Midwest/East Coast. I’ve been here in total a little over a year. Used to love this place and fought through a motorcycle injury to get my current position but it wasn’t worth it. My managers are constantly up my ass, they let everyone else fuck off and bullshit but the second I do it, I get in trouble (only because I’m very young for my job title [im in my early 20s], the last guy who had my job didn’t get this treatment), other managers who aren’t my boss are dickbags and then whine to my boss when I basically tell them to suck a dick. People spread rumors worse than high schoolers here, and I’ve heard shit about me that isn’t even in the realm of being truthful or making sense.

If my bosses take a smoke break and they see me taking one, I get chewed out. And not in a drill sergeant type way, I was fine with actual drill sergeants doing that. But in a sarcastic condescending way and this one fat fuck who pushes me around with his title doesn’t even have the balls to look me in the eyes as he does so, but thinks he’s gonna tough talk me (I’m 6’2”, lean but fit. Not super street tough or nothing but know enough and have been around enough to handle my own) and the GM can’t handle any confrontation cuz he’s a bitch made punk.

A coworkers husband is in a Union (not naming the trade, might give a clue if any coworkers see this) but has to do with commercial construction, specifically the very early stage. His Local needs apprentices and I displayed interest in learning a trade/skill and he recommended his local to me. I’d be making roughly $5 more an hour in this position, benefits, and good hours. I make less than a McDonalds employee right now, in a management position at a Harley dealership.

So, tomorrow I turn my apprentice application in and according to my coworkers husband , I am very likely to be hired. I will put in my two weeks after that. I feel like Office Space, leaving a desk for construction and truly not caring about my job. I gave up about a week ago. I spend my days on my ass watching Unsolved Mysteries on my phone and breaking shit on my desk. I’m done. I will spend the next two weeks smoking cigarettes and watching my phone all day, what can they do. I mean this when I say Office Space has been my biggest inspiration through this.

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