
i don’t care anymore but can’t afford to leave my job. i don’t know what to do.

i currently work a desk job from 8:30am-5pm and it is sucking the life out of me. i feel a little guilty because i’m very lucky. i make decent salary as a litigation paralegal, i’m appreciated, and i’m given time off whenever i request it. i like my bosses, too. i just can’t work a desk job… every time i think about sitting on my ass all day doing mindless, repetitive work for the next 40 years (i’m 24) makes me extremely depressed. it definitely doesn’t help my ADHD, either. my brain feels like it’s rotting because i only ever have an hour or so worth of actual work and then i sit on my phone all day watching tik toks or scrolling through reddit. i don’t know what to do… i cry in the bathroom at least twice a week and i’m always late because it’s hard for me…

i currently work a desk job from 8:30am-5pm and it is sucking the life out of me. i feel a little guilty because i’m very lucky. i make decent salary as a litigation paralegal, i’m appreciated, and i’m given time off whenever i request it. i like my bosses, too.

i just can’t work a desk job… every time i think about sitting on my ass all day doing mindless, repetitive work for the next 40 years (i’m 24) makes me extremely depressed. it definitely doesn’t help my ADHD, either. my brain feels like it’s rotting because i only ever have an hour or so worth of actual work and then i sit on my phone all day watching tik toks or scrolling through reddit.

i don’t know what to do… i cry in the bathroom at least twice a week and i’m always late because it’s hard for me to get out of bed in the morning. does anyone have any advice? or please just let me know i’m not alone in this.

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