
I don’t even know what to do anymore.

So I work at a kayak company for the summer to take a break from working at Starbucks (because I absolutely hate it). This is my first summer with this company and I’ve loved it so far, except for one thing. My boss makes rape jokes all of the time. It’s not ever funny and it’s only when it’s the two of us. I don’t work with him one on one but in the mornings he’ll usually brief me about the trips and if we can take walk ups for the day. Well today I grabbed some worms to take to our second location and once I got there he called me and asked if I had remembered. I told him yes and he said “good girl, good girl..” in a really gross, praising type way. One of the reasons I needed a break from Starbucks was because I’ve experienced…

So I work at a kayak company for the summer to take a break from working at Starbucks (because I absolutely hate it). This is my first summer with this company and I’ve loved it so far, except for one thing. My boss makes rape jokes all of the time. It’s not ever funny and it’s only when it’s the two of us. I don’t work with him one on one but in the mornings he’ll usually brief me about the trips and if we can take walk ups for the day. Well today I grabbed some worms to take to our second location and once I got there he called me and asked if I had remembered. I told him yes and he said “good girl, good girl..” in a really gross, praising type way. One of the reasons I needed a break from Starbucks was because I’ve experienced sexual harassment like this and working with the general public I was exposed to creeps every day. I also have PTSD from a SA that happened a few years ago so now I’m at this new job that was going so well until the past few weeks and especially this morning. What do I do, we don’t have an HR department, it’s a small business and my other boss is my main boss’s best friend so I feel like I can’t speak up. What do I do?

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