
i don’t kniw what i should think about this

So last monday when i started my shift i talked with my co-worker and he just told me that they have fired him. He was an employee for the last 25 Years in our retail store. The reason was that they thought that he was too slow and couldn't keep up with the new inventory managing device and it's functions. I always saw him as a noticeable kind Person. He had a good connection with Customers and knew many of them. He also had an incredible knowledge about our Product and advise our Customers fairly well. He also was a good team player. The only negative about him imo was that he talked too much at work time and sometimes it was hard to end the Conversations. I think this is also the main reason why they say that he works too slow. I don't know what to think about…

So last monday when i started my shift i talked with my co-worker and he just told me that they have fired him. He was an employee for the last 25 Years in our retail store. The reason was that they thought that he was too slow and couldn't keep up with the new inventory managing device and it's functions. I always saw him as a noticeable kind Person. He had a good connection with Customers and knew many of them. He also had an incredible knowledge about our Product and advise our Customers fairly well. He also was a good team player. The only negative about him imo was that he talked too much at work time and sometimes it was hard to end the Conversations. I think this is also the main reason why they say that he works too slow.

I don't know what to think about that.. i mean this guy is 52 years old and will have a hard time finding something new and he was really trying his best to stay motivated and to what he gets told.

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