
I Don’t Know How To Approach My Boss Anymore

Long story short, my boss for whatever reason can't stand me. I do my work, show up on time, I used to work ahead by working after shift but I just can't anymore, and I do NOT take off unless I absolutely have to which brings me my most recent problem… I developed an infection and had to miss a day and 1 hour of work (because I couldn't get the entire day off). I was able to schedule an appointment to get my tooth fixed almost 2 weeks later as I had to completely finish the antibiotics. I told my supervisor EXACTLY when they scheduled me and could only find one person to cover me for one of the days I was supposed to be out. She demands I find 2 other people to cover me for my other two days. Well, everyone I covered for PREVIOUSLY told me…

Long story short, my boss for whatever reason can't stand me.

I do my work, show up on time, I used to work ahead by working after shift but I just can't anymore, and I do NOT take off unless I absolutely have to which brings me my most recent problem…

I developed an infection and had to miss a day and 1 hour of work (because I couldn't get the entire day off). I was able to schedule an appointment to get my tooth fixed almost 2 weeks later as I had to completely finish the antibiotics. I told my supervisor EXACTLY when they scheduled me and could only find one person to cover me for one of the days I was supposed to be out. She demands I find 2 other people to cover me for my other two days. Well, everyone I covered for PREVIOUSLY told me they couldn't help me because they were swamped. Well, OKAY, sorry I couldn't find anyone and let's be honest – the ONLY person who would be at fault was me. I'm okay with that because my ass HAS GOT TO GET THE TOOTH FIXED. Also, I was preparing for the worst because my dentist said the root canal I needed was complicated because 3 roots were involved (fast forward to the appointment yesterday, I had 3 roots exposed and that's why I had so much pain initially).

Anyway, Tuesday I told her I couldn't find anyone else to cover my work and I'll take the consequences. Wasn't good enough, I was told I needed to find people to cover. I told her I -ALREADY- asked my co-workers and they declined. I told her everyone is backed up and we are under staffed. I told her I fully accept whatever work is late because of my NEEDING to get this done. Nope, I ended up asking the original person (the team lead) and he said it was no problem, just to get well. I told my supervisor this and then she proceeds to tell me “we're all family and if you need something just ask”. Uh, so when I asked you to do your supervisor responsibilities, you couldn't help me find someone?

Anyway, she requested a doctor's excuse as well. I e-mailed her my doctor's excuse and follow up appointment and copied the manager of our office. Manager approved. She e-mails me back (just me) stating she will need the appointment letter in advance, I'm only covered for the appointment and then I need to return to work. I explained the root canal is NOT complete and since our job requires us to SPEAK CONSTANTLY ALL FUCKING DAY that's gonna be a “no, I need the full day”. Just from yesterday my jaw is so stiff and sore and my tooth is pounding. (Did I mention I NEVER FUCKING ASK FOR DAYS OFF?!)

She is super hard to talk to and approach. I literally dread having to contact her about anything. She always “well-actually”s me in front of my coworkers. She doesn't read my emails thoroughly and will contact me for things that have already been answered. She has contacted me after hours regarding work (we're talking 8pm and I get off at 4:30pm) She will review my work and comment on things that do not have any bearing on the final result. While I've been reviewed by a director recently and the notes he gave me were perfect across the board. What is most surprising is this same supervisor has given me an exceptional review last year. I do not understand what is going on.

I've approached my manager about this issue and she has told me this particular supervisor is known to have similar issues with other employees which caused them to quit so before that happens, I just need to work it out with her. She told me she doesn't want to lose me and asked that I please fix the issue. How can I fix the issue when I don't know wtf I'm doing wrong and I've asked my direct supervisor what exactly is it that I'm doing wrong. She's only told me it's not that I'm doing anything “wrong” the issue is just that I could do it “better”…

Can anyone give me advice on how to talk to someone like this in a supervisory position? I can't stand this shit. If I have all this time off that I worked for, why is it so hard to use it? Office manager approves it and has no issues but my immediate supervisor is just causing all this shit now. I work very hard and I MAKE sure I do the best that I can. I'm on the verge of quitting but need the damn money. I know I cannot work with this person for too much longer.

Please help me be “professional” in discussing this issue with her. Any help is appreciated.

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