
I don’t know what my co-worker wants from me but I am losing my patience with her.

For some context I just started working in this office about 4 months ago. I am 37f, one of my co-workers is about my age and she has been here 4 years.The other, the one I am complaining about, is in her 50’s and she’s been here 7 years. I don’t know what I did but she will NOT stop with me. I do everything I can to keep to myself most of the time, it is how I work best. I mind my own business and just do my work. She comes over to my desk asking “why do you have that?” when she saw my tablet just sitting there, turned off mind you, on my desk. She didn’t like any of the answers I gave her. She has asked me, more times than I can count, why I won’t use our tanning bed upstairs. She asks what I…

For some context I just started working in this office about 4 months ago. I am 37f, one of my co-workers is about my age and she has been here 4 years.The other, the one I am complaining about, is in her 50’s and she’s been here 7 years. I don’t know what I did but she will NOT stop with me.

I do everything I can to keep to myself most of the time, it is how I work best. I mind my own business and just do my work. She comes over to my desk asking “why do you have that?” when she saw my tablet just sitting there, turned off mind you, on my desk. She didn’t like any of the answers I gave her. She has asked me, more times than I can count, why I won’t use our tanning bed upstairs. She asks what I am doing for lunch just about every day and when I tell her she makes some negative comment. If I am eating healthy she makes a “yuck” remark. If I don’t want to go out to lunch with her and the other girl she calls me a “cheap ass.” Every time I run our little vacuum under my desk she makes some negative remark about it. She emails me things to follow up on, that I have no clue how to do, and refuses to help me. Or if she does finally help she acts inconvenienced. A perfect example (I am in insurance btw) she emails me a notice that some policy holder’s business insurance will cancel because they failed to complete their audit. There is apparently a form I need to get, then get that over to the vendor, and so on. Stuff I have NO clue how to do because I mostly deal with personal lines, not commercial. I have no problem learning but she has been refusing to actually help me with it. Even though SHE is the one who gave it to me to get it off her plate. Well, because she won’t help it has taken that much longer. Because now I have to resort to getting on the phone with corporate offices trying to get someone to help. Meanwhile, the person who actually knows how to do it, and is the one who handed it to me will not help. But I “don’t get things done fast enough.”

Today I am still trying to get better from being horribly sick yesterday. When her and the other girl went to lunch I stayed back. I did go grab cash so I could pay my portion of our birthday gift for our boss. I got back before them and when they come back my co-workers said “did you think we weren’t coming back?” I was confused by this then she said “you took my parking spot.” We don’t have assigned parking spots. I just parked. Why does it even matter? It’s literally the space right next to the other. You can’t walk an extra 6 feet?

She is constantly trying to find something to be on my ass about (I’m not getting tasks done fast enough, the tanning bed for crying out loud!) Yet she’s no stellar performer herself. Customers complain that she is rude to them, she won’t answer the phone if me and my other co-worker are busy or already on the phone, she constantly sends me stuff to complete but won’t help when I need it or acts annoyed if she has to help, she’s always trying to get in my business, she asks me questions only so she can give negative comments or unwanted advice, she has to have complete control of the thermostat, she apparently has ”her own” parking space. (Even though we don’t have our own.) I can’t even keep my workspace clean without her making a snide comment (the vacuum.)

I literally just do everything I can to stay out of her way, be polite, mind my own business and do my work as best I can, etc. but she HAS to find something to gripe at me about. I was horribly sick yesterday and still not great today, but I came to work anyway, and she complains I apparently parked in “her” spot. I cannot do anything right apparently. I can’t eat what I want without unnecessary comments, I can’t park where I want, I can’t get help when I need it, I can’t work at my own pace, I can’t even make the choice to not use the tanning bed without some kind of negative comments or treatment. WHY on God‘s green earth are some people like this? It’s maddening!

Edit: while she is not my boss, she might as well be. Our boss is hardly ever here and has no idea what goes on in the office. And this co worker of mine has been here since the get go and they are basically joined at the hit. So I don’t feel like I have a lot of jurisdiction…

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