
I don’t know what the future holds for me because I hate my job

I was an English Major in community College with the intention of becoming a teacher since I love talking about books but knew the pay was awful so I dropped out before getting into debt and got an entry level IT job. And I hate it. I learned a lot about tech, and I can do the job but forcing myself to leave something I have no burning passion for is makes me so depressed. “You're doing the job for money” sure but I spend so much time and energy doing this job that my real passion is neglected. I have this vision being on my deathbed knowing I spent my life doing something I had no burning desire to do simply because the job I wanted didn't pay a living wage.

I was an English Major in community College with the intention of becoming a teacher since I love talking about books but knew the pay was awful so I dropped out before getting into debt and got an entry level IT job.

And I hate it. I learned a lot about tech, and I can do the job but forcing myself to leave something I have no burning passion for is makes me so depressed. “You're doing the job for money” sure but I spend so much time and energy doing this job that my real passion is neglected. I have this vision being on my deathbed knowing I spent my life doing something I had no burning desire to do simply because the job I wanted didn't pay a living wage.

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