
i don’t know what to do.. any advice?

so a little bit of backstory, i’m 23 years old. i lived in michigan my whole life. i worked at an ice cream shop that my family owned for 3 years as a manager before leaving when i got a job offer to work at a grow facility (marijuana). i worked at the grow facility for 1 1/2 years. within me starting at the grow op, i met my boyfriend who lived in florida. i wanted to live in florida my whole life (lmao right) so i eventually moved down here. i get a job at a dispensary bc i didnt care for the grow ops and wanted to learn the other side of the industry. i interviewed for a full time budtender job but in the interview they asked with my managing experience if i would be interested in interviewing for the keyholder job instead. i said of course!…

so a little bit of backstory, i’m 23 years old. i lived in michigan my whole life. i worked at an ice cream shop that my family owned for 3 years as a manager before leaving when i got a job offer to work at a grow facility (marijuana). i worked at the grow facility for 1 1/2 years. within me starting at the grow op, i met my boyfriend who lived in florida. i wanted to live in florida my whole life (lmao right) so i eventually moved down here.

i get a job at a dispensary bc i didnt care for the grow ops and wanted to learn the other side of the industry. i interviewed for a full time budtender job but in the interview they asked with my managing experience if i would be interested in interviewing for the keyholder job instead. i said of course! i interview for the job and i get it. i was so excited. that was 3 months ago…..

right off the bat, the store manager (who was not involved in any of my interviews/hiring process) is treating me like shit. i won’t go into details but basically whatever i do, it’s wrong. he will tell me to do something, i do it, and he will find something to bitch at me for. it’s non stop, every day. i have never had this issue and i’ve always been a hard worker. i thought maybe i was the problem so i stepped it up. i have been working so hard. but still… nothing. he continuously tells me “we’re going to get a REAL manager in here”……. I literally feel like i’m in court or being interrogated every day!!!!!

finally one day, i had ENOUGH. i cried the whole way home from work and got on indeed. i applied to a dispensary (our competitors). couple days go by, i get a call from them. they want to interview me. i left the voicemail alone bc i was at work and i had to close. i didn’t call them for a couple days bc i wasn’t sure. i don’t necessarily WANT to leave this job. but i’m not going to continue to be treated like this… PLUS, it’s an hour drive. so that’s 2 hours out of my day that i lose…

finally on thursday, the SM says some mean shit to me and i’m done. he tells me to go on break so the second i step out the door, i call the other dispensary. i set up an interview for monday (today) since it was my next day off.

friday morning 2 of the managers go out of town. i opened and the only other manager we have was supposed to close. well, his wife goes into labor. so i work open-close, no breaks. 13 1/2 hours. then i’m scheduled to open the next morning on saturday. i work a full shift and luckily we found someone from a different store to cover the evening. sunday, i work open to close with no breaks again. i haven’t heard much from the store manager yet. i work with him tomorrow. but i still went to my interview today.

i go to the interview, and basically they tell me the job is only $14.50/hr and i can’t interview for a management position for 6 months. i make $17.50/hr at my current job HOWEVER i drive an hour there and another hour back.

the people at the interview seemed great and really nice. but i’m scared maybe the grass isn’t greener on the other side. but i can’t continue being treated like this. i’m miserable.

i really do love my job i have now and i don’t want to leave. but the store manager has made it impossible for me to continue. i’m really curious to see how they will treat me tomorrow when i see them. if i will get any recognition for holding down the store all weekend by myself. maybe i will have proved to him i’m worthy, and he’ll have a change of heart.

basically, i don’t know what to do. do i take the new job if i’m offered it and take the pay cut? i feel like that’s the most obvious choice but that pay cut is going to hurt me… any advice is appreciated.

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